Fast Track

This course is designed for students requiring a single discipline in Dinghy Sailing. It should not be considered as a course that prepares you for a full time career in the watersports industry, but students wishing to gain short term employment, already have qualifications in other disciplines or simply want to increase their ability in their chosen sport might consider this option.

Prices | Dates


6 weeks at the most prestigious centre in Europe – Europe’s largest residential watersports centre.

High performance skills, tidal awareness and dinghy instructor’s qualifications taken in some of the most demanding waters in the world.

Based in Cowes – the heart of the sailing world.

Unrivalled facilities and craft – our Charitable funding enables us to renew our dinghy fleet every two years on average.

Academy life – The Isle of Wight is a watersports paradise, experience this magical world whilst in the company of other like minded individuals.


Presentation skills

Lecture techniques

Use of visual aids

Teaching techniques

RYA Dinghy Instructor Theory


Successful students will emerge with the following qualifications:

RYA level 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 windsurfing (depending on ability)

RYA Dinghy Instructor

RYA National Powerboat level 2 Certificate

RYA Small Craft First Aid At Sea Certificate

BCU 1 Star Certificate (optional)


This course has been highly recommended by UKSA’s careers consultancy for younger students aged between 16 – 21 years to build their confidence and experience before starting employment

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